Monday 21st of March 2022 12:02:06 PM
House No, 79, Bhaskar Nagar, Gopinath Nagar, Binowa Nagar, Kala Pahar, Guwahati, Guwahati Assam India 781018
Guwahati, Assam
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Niti Singhal
We are a business house from Guwahati since 1975. Its been 45 years in business and counting. We are in electrical power distribution and other projects supply business since 2019. In addition, we are in distribution of hardware and sanitary goods and also in manufacturing of lead metal. The foundation of our business was laid by our charismatic founder Lt Shri Kailash Chand Gupta (Singhal) in 1975. There after Mr Manish & Nitesh Singhal are leading the enterprises along with a dedicated and professional team and other members from family. We are serving the infrastructure projects industry since last 4 decades and are committed to accelerate and contribute in building our great nation. We wish to empower the projects so that it in turn empowers the growth of our country. Hence our motto is We emPOWER projects.